PPC Management Services

Awarded "Best Large PPC Agency"

Go Fish Digital creates tailored PPC services that grow your business.

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What Are PPC Services?

PPC services, or Pay-Per-Click Services, encompass a range of digital marketing strategies focused on leveraging search engines and social media platforms to promote businesses through paid advertisements. At the heart of these services lies the creation and management of ad campaigns where businesses are charged each time a user clicks on their ads. This model provides a unique advantage, allowing for precise targeting based on keywords, demographics, interests, and even user behavior.

Go Fish Digital’s PPC advertising services include thorough market research, keyword analysis, and campaign strategy development to ensure that your ads reach the right audience at the right time. Whether it’s Google Ads, Bing Ads, or paid social, our expertise covers a broad spectrum, ensuring your ads are optimized for maximum visibility and conversion.

man getting coffee in an office breakroom

Our PPC Advertising Services

Paid Search Ads

Paid ads are the first impression your audience has of your brand, and we make sure that it’s a good one. Our search advertising experts create a campaign strategy to meet your specific business goals. We’ll handle the keyword research, bids, ad copywriting, and more.

Paid Social Media

We’d wager that, within the last hour, you scrolled through social media. Luckily, the same could be said about your audience. With our PPC management services, we create in-depth social media strategies for LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and other social media platforms to reach your audience at every stage of the conversion funnel.

Performance Max

If you’re in eCommerce then you’re well aware of the prominence of Performance Max campaigns. Our pay per click agency works with you to ensure that your store is maximizing its visibility for Google’s commerce platforms.

Display Advertising

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but in this case, it’s worth something more than that — clicks. We create audience-based display campaigns with custom creative as an inexpensive way of building brand awareness and driving more website traffic.


Let’s face it — your visitors may not convert on their first visit to your website, but that doesn’t mean we’ll let them forget about you. Our PPC services help you target previous site visitors with customized campaigns to help keep your brand top of mind while also driving leads with retargeting ads.

woman reviewing charts on her tablet

Custom PPC Audience Targeting

Target Audience Research

Our PPC agency carefully selects custom audiences on different advertising platforms to ensure your ads get in front of the right people. Once the campaign is up and running, we monitor audiences as well as demographic and geographic data to make adjustments to the campaign, focusing your budget on the prospects more likely to convert.

PPC Competitive Analysis

Our PPC management agency uses auction insights and third-party tools to identify your top competitors and collect information on their keywords, ad copy, landing pages, bids, and spend. We use this information to form a deep understanding of their paid platforms and ensure we stay competitive on the search engine results page using the proper strategies.

Holistic Pay Per Click Strategy

PPC is only a piece of your digital strategy. We take a look at your overarching marketing and SEO operations, peek into your sales funnel, and use these insights to develop a new paid media strategy that folds into your goal seamlessly. Our custom strategy is uniquely designed to meet your objectives within your budget.

coworkers using table to work on their laptops

PPC Ad Design and Landing Page Development

With the help of our talented designers, we develop eye-catching ads that are sure to perform. Our award-winning design team creates landing pages that will drive quality conversions from the targeted paid traffic.

Monitoring and Optimization

After setting up your unique campaigns, our PPC management agency continuously monitor and optimize them to improve their performance and boost your return on investment. “Set it and forget it” has never been in our vocabulary.

Reporting On Your PPC Campaigns

Our team diligently analyzes data to create easy-to-read, transparent, and custom monthly reports that highlight campaign performance. With our insights, you’ll always know exactly how your campaigns are performing, as well as the story behind the metrics so that you’re positioned to take on new opportunities and gain market share proactively.

man working on his computer at a desk

What Makes Our PPC Management Services Different?

Our data-driven team has a passion for paid media and digital marketing, which gives us an edge as we work to get results for our clients. Above all, we understand the power of using SEO to inform our paid media strategies.

At Go Fish Digital, we know that PPC advertising and SEO go hand in hand, and having SEO best practices at the center of our campaigns keeps us agile and competitive in the ever-changing paid media space (and it also saves on marketing spend).

That said, we never take a one-size-fits-all approach with our clients. Every client gets a unique, fully-transparent strategy that’s tailored to their specific goals and often gravitates toward bespoke solutions rather than relying on third-party tools to do the work for us.

If you have goals of boosting your CRO and building a new website, even better! Our team can help with any and all PPC needs — just ask and we’ll deliver.

Basically, we’re a bunch of PPC-obsessed folks ready to help you get more qualified website traffic. What more could you want?

What Are The Benefits Of PPC Management Services?

Using paid media as an acquisition channel can have many benefits when it comes to your marketing initiatives. Some of the benefits of PPC include:

  • Targeted Advertising: Reach specific demographics, locations, and interests, ensuring your ads are seen by your ideal audience.
  • Quick Results: Unlike organic search methods, PPC can drive immediate traffic and results, making it ideal for promotions or product launches.
  • Measurable ROI: Every aspect of PPC campaigns is measurable, from the number of clicks to conversions, providing clear insights into your return on investment.
  • Budget Control: Set your own ad spend budget, allowing for full control over costs with options to adjust based on performance.
  • Highly Customizable: Tailor campaigns to match various objectives, whether it’s brand exposure, product sales, or lead generation.
  • Increased Visibility: Boost your online presence quickly, even in highly competitive markets, with prominent ad placements.
  • Flexibility: Easily adjust campaigns, test new strategies, and respond to market trends in real-time.

PPC Services FAQs

PPC services are a way for businesses to promote their content through various mediums, like sponsored social media posts, display ads, paid search results, retargeting ads, and more.

Media can be divided into three categories: earned, owned, and paid.

Earned: Earned media is the media exposure your company gains through word-of-mouth. Think of this as free publicity.

Owned: Owned media is content you’re fully in control of, like your website, blog, and social media accounts.

Paid: Paid media is the content you sponsor to promote your brand and drive exposure. Paid media can be an effective opportunity to expand your brand reach, get more clicks, and generate more traffic. That’s where we come in.

We. Track. Everything. We utilize Google Tag Manager, Google Analytics, and Google Call Tracking to track valuable actions taken on your ads and your website, such as form fills, button clicks, phone calls, and more. Data drives everything we do in your campaign, so correctly tracking and attributing conversions is paramount.

After we identify your priority services, we do an in-depth analysis using tools to identify competitor keywords, ad copy, and landing pages to help drive our strategy to remain competitive on the SERP.

The beauty of a PPC services is that you’ll immediately start seeing results as soon as you turn it on. That said, turning it on is the easy part. We never take a set-it-and-forget-it approach. Our team optimizes and tunes the campaign several times a week to continually get better and better metrics.

For example, we continuously test and optimize ad copy to improve click-through rate using powerful calls to action and in-depth competitive research.

We also continuously make data-driven optimizations to increase conversion rates. Some of these include reviewing landing pages for conversion rate optimizations, keyword match type testing, the addition of new keywords, and the removal of low-converting keywords. As a best practice, we like to use 60-90 days of data to drive our pay per click decisions.

To target previous website visitors, we launch a display retargeting campaign using a percentage of the allocated search funds. This campaign is typically a very cost-effective way of keeping your brand top of mind.

PPC services are a great option for businesses that want to scale their results quickly. After launching your ad campaigns, you’ll instantly be able to see results from your marketing efforts. You’ll be able to ensure that your business is advertised on the platforms, locations, audiences and times that are most likely to convert into leads.

PPC Services Case Studies

Contact Us

Get in touch with us today! We’re always happy to set up a time for us to talk about your digital marketing goals.

(703) 596-1353
227 Fayetteville St. | Raleigh, NC 27601
Virginia, Maryland, DC
2221 S Clark St | Arlington, VA 22202
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