Analytics Archives - Go Fish Digital Wed, 17 Jul 2024 18:30:01 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Analytics Archives - Go Fish Digital 32 32 The Best Conversion Rate Optimization Tools In 2024 Mon, 15 Jul 2024 13:00:59 +0000 If you are on the hunt to find the best Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) tools for your website, you have come to the right place. With so many CRO tools available, choosing the right tools for your website and business goals can be challenging.  This post will explore the four categories of CRO tools, the […]

The Best Conversion Rate Optimization Tools In 2024 is an original blog post first published on Go Fish Digital.

If you are on the hunt to find the best Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) tools for your website, you have come to the right place. With so many CRO tools available, choosing the right tools for your website and business goals can be challenging. 

This post will explore the four categories of CRO tools, the step-by-step process for implementing a CRO program, and an analysis of the popular CRO tools. Applying the recommendations in this post can help you effectively use the capabilities of CRO tools.

Understanding Conversion Rate Optimization and Its Importance

Conversion Rate Optimization refers to increasing the number of website visitors who complete an action on your site. Whether that action might be making a purchase, submitting a form, or signing up for a newsletter, implementing CRO gives you the competitive edge. CRO allows you to understand the user experience on your site and identify reasons why users might not be converting. 

The key to success in CRO is leveraging the power of Conversion Rate Optimization tools. CRO tools collect data about your website and its users, enabling you to identify and test opportunities to increase conversion rates. Using CRO tools effectively can turn your website visitors into loyal customers. 

The Four Pillars of Conversion Rate Optimization Tools

Conversion rate optimization tools fall into four categories: 

  • Web analytics tools
  • Behavior analytics tools
  • CRO testing tools
  • Lead capture tools

Web Analytics Tools: 

Web analytics tools collect information, such as user demographics, traffic sources, webpage performance, and key engagement metrics like conversion rate. The data from these website analytics tools assist in the Conversion Rate Optimization process.

They allow a conversion rate optimization specialist to identify the web pages experiencing low conversion rates. The tools also provide insight into your target audience’s interests, which can help guide the CRO strategies you create.

Trending website analytics tools include Google Analytics 4, Semrush, and Adobe Analytics

Logo for Google Analytics 4     Logo for Semrush       Logo for Adobe Analytics

Behavior Analytics Tools:

Behavior analytics tools focus on user behavior and engagements on a site. They can help you identify common user patterns on your site, such as places where users encounter difficulties. Heatmap tools are a great way to understand the user journey on your site.

Using a heatmap tool like Hotjar, Crazy Egg, or Microsoft Clarity, you can learn where the most popular and least popular clicks occur, see how far users are scrolling on your website, and identify where dead clicks happen. 

All of this information can be instrumental in the CRO process as you can identify the best places to put calls to action and fix the roadblocks stopping users from converting. 

Logo for Hotjar             Logo for Crazy Egg        Logo for Microsoft Clarity

CRO Testing Tools: 

Conversion rate optimization testing tools allow you to discover the versions of your site that will lead to the most conversions. You can run an A/B test to compare the performance of two web pages. 

Webpage A is the original webpage, and webpage B is the new version of the page that is tested and evaluated to see if it performs better or worse.

A/B testing tools like VWO, Crazy Egg, and AB Tasty can help you identify conversion obstacles and determine the site setup that will convert the most.

Logo for VWO  Logo for Crazy Egg      Logo for AB Tasty

Lead Capture Tools: 

Lead capture tools help you collect information about potential customers interested in your services. These tools use methods such as pop-up forms to gather leads and information about customers. You can use lead capture tools to determine which interested customers are most likely to convert and who you should focus on targeting. Popular lead capture tools include OptinMonster, Hello Bar, and Leadpages.

Logo for OptinMonster      Logo for Hello Bar      Logo for Leadpages

Step-by-Step Guide to Implementing a Conversion Rate Optimization Program

Here at Go Fish Digital, we developed a step-by-step process for implementing a conversion rate optimization program. 

Step 1: Identify Factors Driving Visitors

The first step in finding the best CRO program for your business is to identify why users visit your site. Ask yourself: are there certain pages or sections of your site that users are drawn to?

Understanding user intent for your website can help facilitate CRO. Using the tools mentioned in the four pillars section, you can make website changes, such as strategically placing CTAs or optimizing a popular landing page, that will ultimately lead to conversions.

Step 2: Pinpoint Conversion Hindrances

You can use CRO tools such as heatmap and session recording tools to see the places during a user’s site journey where a user faces a hurdle in converting and decides to leave the site. 

You will likely start to see similar patterns where users are getting stuck, and you can develop improvements based on these patterns to increase conversions. 

Step 3: Discovering Persuasive Factors 

Since CRO tools allow you to understand users’ interests and behaviors on your site, you can use this information to discover the most effective ways to increase conversions. Website analytics tools like GA4 can show you the places that receive the most and the fewest conversions. 

From there, you can compare the differences between the places getting the most and least conversions. With the help of tools like heatmaps and session recordings, you can further identify why certain places receive higher conversion rates. Based on these discoveries, you can implement strategies to compel users to convert in areas that previously received lower conversion rates.

Step 4:  Implementing and Testing Changes 

Now that you have identified the changes needed to increase conversions, you are ready to complete the final step of testing and implementing these adjustments. 

You can use A/B testing tools to experiment with these changes and determine if they will lead to improvements. If you find the changes are successful, you can implement and monitor these changes using the tools that fall under the four pillars.

Comparing the Popular Conversion Rate Optimization Tools

While the CRO industry includes a variety of CRO tool options, here are some of the most popular CRO tools available. 

Adobe Analytics 

Logo for Adobe Analytics

Adobe Analytics is a multi-dimensional website analysis tool that tracks real-time data for your site. The conversion tracking features of Adobe Analytics allow you to monitor users’ journeys from when they first click to when they complete a conversion. Its attribution features can help you to identify where conversions are coming from. Adobe Analytics also conducts predictive analytics. By using machine learning to find patterns in user data, Adobe Analytics predicts future user behavior, such as the likelihood of completing a conversion. 


Logo for Hotjar

Hotjar is a user behavior analysis tool. Its session recording and heatmap features can identify website design changes to improve user site experience. The tool also offers conversion tracking features like funnels and dashboards to help you identify low conversion rate areas on your site.

Crazy Egg

Logo for Crazy Egg

Crazy Egg is another helpful user behavior analysis tool that can improve your understanding of site engagement. Its heatmap features can help you identify the most and least popular places users engage with on your site. It also offers an A/B testing tool to help you determine the version of your site that will lead to the optimal conversion rate. 


Logo for Full Story

FullStory is a digital intelligence platform with tools to understand user interactions on a website. Its auto-capture technology allows you to gain a detailed analysis of how users interact with your site. FullStory can help you identify and solve usability issues on your site that will improve your optimization efforts.

Go Fish Digital’s Contribution to Conversion Rate Optimization

Go Fish Digital is here to help you in your CRO journey. Our agency offers CRO services that will turn your website visitors into loyal customers. Using the tools across all four pillars, we develop a personalized CRO strategy for your business. We identify the obstacles that prevent users from completing site conversions. 

We also optimize key landing pages by establishing credibility with your site visitors. After discovering possible changes to improve CRO, we use comprehensive A/B testing to ensure we make the most effective changes. Our CRO services can increase your customer base and give you a competitive advantage. You can request a custom CRO proposal with us today for more information.


Conversion Rate Optimization tools allow you to unlock strategies for improving user experience and ultimately increasing the conversion rate on your website. 

To implement an effective CRO program, you can follow our 4-step process of identifying factors driving visitors to your site, pinpointing conversion hindrances, discovering persuasive factors leading to conversions, and implementing and testing these changes. 

Our CRO team’s expertise here at Go Fish Digital can help you navigate this CRO process and enhance your website to achieve optimal performance. 


The Best Conversion Rate Optimization Tools In 2024 is an original blog post first published on Go Fish Digital.

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How To Set Up Google Analytics 4 Ecommerce Tracking Mon, 24 Jun 2024 15:13:31 +0000 If your site involves ecommerce, there are metrics you want to use beyond general website traffic to make informed business decisions.  Luckily, Google Analytics 4 has powerful analytics abilities to collect a variety of ecommerce metrics for your site. Because not all sites have ecommerce data, GA4 does not automatically track it. Instead, you must […]

How To Set Up Google Analytics 4 Ecommerce Tracking is an original blog post first published on Go Fish Digital.

If your site involves ecommerce, there are metrics you want to use beyond general website traffic to make informed business decisions. 

Luckily, Google Analytics 4 has powerful analytics abilities to collect a variety of ecommerce metrics for your site. Because not all sites have ecommerce data, GA4 does not automatically track it. Instead, you must set up ecommerce tracking manually. 

This guide will provide you with information on what ecommerce data you can track in Google Analytics 4 and how to easily set up ecommerce tracking for your site. 

What Ecommerce Events Can Google Analytics 4 Track?

GA4 can track many kinds of ecommerce events, including: 

  • Viewing an item
  • Adding an item to cart
  • Removing an item from cart
  • Making a purchase
  • Applying a promotion
  • Item revenue

How To Set Up Ecommerce Tracking in Google Analytics 4

If your site uses a common CMS or payment platform, such as Shopify, WooCommerce, or Stripe, they often have instructions or integrations that allow you to set up GA4 ecommerce tracking. We’ve included a brief overview for these three platforms below, as well as how to implement GA4 tracking on your site when not using one of these tools.


Shopify has an easy ecommerce integration system using the Google & Youtube Channel app and adding the Google Tag ID to your Shopify admin page. After setting up GA4 tracking, Shopify will track ecommerce events automatically using the Google Channel app. Here is Shopify’s full documentation on how to set this up for your site


Similar to Shopify, WooCommerce (used with WordPress) makes GA4 setup simple with a custom Google Analytics integration. After setting up GA4 tracking, WooCommerce will track several events, such as product detail views, which track which items a user viewed the full description of. Here are step-by-step instructions for setup straight from WooCommerce. 


Unlike Shopify and WooCommerce, Stripe does not have a built-in GA4 integration. Instead, it provides code for developers to add to the site to send data to GA4. Once properly configured, Stripe will track a conversion funnel, allowing you to analyze the purchase journey of site users. See here for full documentation explaining how to add Stripe data to GA4.

Google Tag Manager

If you aren’t using one of the tools above or something similar, you can follow these steps to set up e-commerce tracking using Google Tag Manager and your site’s data layer. 

Step 1: Add ecommerce tracking to data layer 

GA4 documentation contains ecommerce tracking code that needs to be added to your site’s data layer (found in the source code). Your site developer should implement these tracking events on your site. 

Step 2: Confirm that data layer events are tracking using Google Tag Assistant

Use the Google Tag Assistant to ensure that the ecommerce events you have added to your site’s source code (such as view_item, add_to_cart, and purchase) are firing correctly and include necessary data, such as the correct item name, category, quantity, and price.

Step 3: Add ecommerce events as GA4 tags to Google Tag Manager

Create a new GA4 event tag in Google Tag Manager and select a GA4 configuration tag. Enter your recommended event name and select “Send Ecommerce Data” (located under More Settings). 

Next, build a trigger for the GA4 event based on the data layer events you have already established. Select a custom event, and enter your data layer event name under “Event name.” Name your trigger and save it.

After successfully creating your trigger, save your GA4 Event Tag and repeat for each additional ecommerce event you want to create.

Step 4: Use DebugView in GA4 to ensure that Google Tag Manager Events are tracking

Use GA4’s DebugView mode, which can be found in Admin under Data Display. Using preview mode in Google Tag Manager, check that event names are triggering in GA4 and that the item details contain the correct information.

Analyzing Ecommerce Tracking in Google Analytics 4

Once you have ecommerce tracking set up, you can analyze your ecommerce data. Click on reports, then monetization, then ecommerce purchases to see a breakdown of items on your site. 

You can also click on “Purchase journey” to see the path of users making purchases on your site. This can provide insight into which parts of your site might need improvement to ensure users complete their purchases.

For additional reporting needs, you can use ecommerce data in custom reports. Click on the explore tab and create a new exploration where you can add custom dimensions and metrics. Add your data by clicking the ecommerce section under either dimensions or metrics.  


Tracking ecommerce data is crucial for making informed business decisions and optimizing the performance of your online store. GA4 provides robust tools to capture a variety of ecommerce events, and setting up your website to track ecommerce events in GA4 will allow you and your team to leverage these insights, enabling you to understand your customers’ purchase journeys better, identify areas for improvement, and ultimately drive more sales. 

How To Set Up Google Analytics 4 Ecommerce Tracking is an original blog post first published on Go Fish Digital.

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How To Use RegEx in Google Analytics 4 Tue, 14 May 2024 16:10:58 +0000 In Google Analytics 4, Regular Expressions (RegEx) act as powerful search tools that help you find and filter specific patterns in your data. By using RegEx, you can make sense of large amounts of information and discover important insights. With RegEx, navigating through complex data becomes easier, helping you make better decisions based on analytics. […]

How To Use RegEx in Google Analytics 4 is an original blog post first published on Go Fish Digital.

In Google Analytics 4, Regular Expressions (RegEx) act as powerful search tools that help you find and filter specific patterns in your data. By using RegEx, you can make sense of large amounts of information and discover important insights. With RegEx, navigating through complex data becomes easier, helping you make better decisions based on analytics.

What is RegEx?

RegEx is a way to filter data based on matching phrases and patterns. It works by matching strings or characters based on specific criteria, allowing you to customize your expression to create the exact kind of filter you need. RegEx can be beneficial for more complex filtering needs than traditional filtering allows. 

How can I use RegEx?

RegEx filters use a combination of multiple expressions and special characters to filter data based on patterns. Using RegEx allows you to filter values matching part of a phrase, rather than only matching exact values, returning multiple values rather than just one. Understanding how to use RegEx can be instrumental in filtering values to match the needs of your business. 

What are RegEx Metacharacters?

RegEx metacharacters are special characters that can be used when creating RegEx filters to define how phrases should be filtered. While there are many RegEx metacharacters, the following chart lists some of the most popular RegEx metacharacters, their purpose, and an example of how they can be used. 

RegEx Character Purpose Example Filter Example Return
| Used as an OR expression (e.g. cat or dog) cat|dog cat, dog
. Used as a placeholder for any character  12.4 1214, 1224, 1234, 1244
? Matches the character before it 0 or 1 time trees? tree, trees
* Matches the character before it 0 or more times 10* 1, 10, 100, 1000
+ Matches the character before it 1 or more times 10+ 10, 100, 1000
[] Matches one character that is contained in the bracket Part[123] Part1, Part2, Part3
Used in brackets to match a single character in a range of numbers or letters [0-9] 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
() Matches enclosed characters in order somewhere in a string (danc) dance, dancing
\ Indicates that the following character should be treated as a regular character rather than a RegEx metacharacter How\? How?


RegEx in Google Analytics 4

RegEx in explorations

RegEx can be used to create custom filters in the explorations section of GA4. RegEx expressions in Google Analytics 4 match exactly, so using metacharacters to broaden your results is key. 

To add a RegEx filter to a Google Analytics 4 exploration, first navigate to or create your exploration (located in the Explore tab). Under variables, select “Segments” and choose the type of segment you want. Next, click “add new condition” and select the variable you want to filter. After selecting your variable, click “add filter.” Select “matches RegEx” from the available dropdown menu and write your RegEx statement below. Click apply when you’re done. 

For example, let’s say you wanted to look at the number of users who had visited a page with the word “shop” somewhere in the title. You could create a user segment and write a RegEx filter with the word “shop.” However, if you just write the word “shop” the RegEx filter will only look for a page that has the exact name “shop.” If you want the filter to include pages that have shop somewhere in the title, you can use the expression *shop.* This expression uses metacharacters that say that there can be an unlimited number of any characters before and after the word shop, and to include any result where the page title includes the word “shop.” 

Adding a RegEx filter in GA4

RegEx in Looker Studio

RegEx can also be used in Looker Studio. While Looker Studio has other available filter options, using RegEx filters allows you to filter more complex data to your needs. One example of this would be the limitation of Looker Studio OR clauses, which only allow you to include 11 OR clauses. If you need more OR clauses than this, you can use a RegEx filter and the | metacharacter. 

Adding a RegEx filter in Looker Studio

To add a RegEx filter in Looker Studio, click on the chart you want to filter and select “add a filter.” Select “create filter,” and choose either “RegExp match” or “RegExp contains.” Then, write your RegEx filter. 


Although RegEx is slightly more complex than other filtering options, its advanced abilities allow you to write more complex statements to filter for the exact information you need more efficiently than typical filters. When using RegEx filters in GA4 or Looker Studio, always make sure to test that your filter is working properly and modify your expressions as needed. Doing so will allow you to create nuanced and custom filters for your website’s needs.

How To Use RegEx in Google Analytics 4 is an original blog post first published on Go Fish Digital.

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11 Metrics You Should Track In Google Analytics 4 Wed, 10 Apr 2024 16:25:17 +0000 With the recent switch from Universal Analytics to Google Analytics 4, many fundamental ways Google Analytics tracks website traffic have changed. As such, it is important to know what information you should track in Google Analytics 4 and what each metric means. Whether you’re new to Google Analytics or are interested in optimizing your data […]

11 Metrics You Should Track In Google Analytics 4 is an original blog post first published on Go Fish Digital.

With the recent switch from Universal Analytics to Google Analytics 4, many fundamental ways Google Analytics tracks website traffic have changed. As such, it is important to know what information you should track in Google Analytics 4 and what each metric means. Whether you’re new to Google Analytics or are interested in optimizing your data tracking in Google Analytics 4, we’ve compiled a list of the top 11 most important metrics to track, what they mean, and why you should be tracking them. 


A picture of the homepage of GA4 with users outlined in blue

  • What it is: Users are visitors who interact with your website or app. Users are counted uniquely, so one user who interacts with your website multiple times will still only count as one user. Google Analytics 4 tracks both users and new users. “New users” are users who visited your site for the first time in your specified date range. 
  • Where to find it: The total number of users can be found on the homepage The date can be adjusted at the bottom of the card.
  • Why it’s important: Looking at the total number of users on your site during a set time period can be a helpful overview of site traffic. User data is also segmented by behavior and demographics in Google Analytics 4, allowing you to understand more about your audience as a whole. 



A picture of the homepage of GA4 with sessions outlined in blue

  • What it is: Like users, sessions track your website traffic. However, while the users metric tracks a visitor to your website once (even if they visit the site multiple times), sessions track every time someone visits your site. Google Analytics 4 has specific guidelines on how they track new sessions. In GA4, a session expires after 30 minutes of inactivity. If a user interacts with your website again after 30 minutes of activity, it will be counted as a new session. For more information on how Google Analytics 4 tracks sessions, check out this article.
  • Where to find it: Like users, you can find the total number of sessions on the homepage. The date can be adjusted at the bottom of the card.
  • Why it’s important: Sessions provide context on how users engage with your site. Tracking sessions, particularly when combined with other metrics, helps you understand things such as how users are interacting with your site, conversions, and user retention.


Views per User

A picture of a GA4 report showing views per user outlined in blue

  • What it is: Views per user tracks the average number of pages viewed per person.
  • Where to find it: The views per user can be found under the Google Analytics 4 reports section by clicking on “Engagement” and then “Pages and screens.”
  • Why it’s important: Knowing the average views per user helps you understand how much content users are consuming on your site before navigating away. Views per user can also be used to understand which pages encourage site visitors to continue navigating and engaging with your site. 


Engagement Rate

A GA4 report showing engagement rate

  • What it is: The engagement rate is measured as the percentage of engaged sessions out of total sessions. Google Analytics 4 counts a session as an “engaged session” if it meets any of the following criteria:
    • Lasts more than 10 seconds
    • Includes a conversion 
    • Has at least 2 page views
  • Where to find it: Engagement rate data can be found under the Google Analytics 4 reports section by clicking on “Acquisition” and “User Acquisition.”
  • Why it’s important: Engagement rate provides insight into whether your content is reaching the right audience. High engagement rates indicate that site visitors are interacting with your website, while low engagement rates could signal that changes are needed to your site to effectively engage your audience.


Event Tracking

A GA4 report showing event tracking outlined in blue

  • What it is: Events occur when a user interacts with your website in some way. Some events are automatically collected in Google Analytics (such as page views or scrolling), while others are customizable to allow you to implement your own events to be tracked on your website. 
  • Where to find them: Automatically collected events are in the report section under “Events.” Manually created events will be found in the same location after being set up. 
  • Why it’s important: Events are the primary method of tracking used in Google Analytics 4 and are highly flexible and customizable. Knowing what events are and how to use them properly will allow you to optimize them to your site’s needs. 


Key Events [Previously Conversions]

A GA4 report showing key events outlined in blue

  • What it is: Key events are similar to events but are events that you specify as being important to your business. An example of a key event might be completing a form or generating a lead. You can define an event as a key event by going into admin, clicking on “Data Display,” then “Events,” and then toggling on the switch that says “Mark as Key Event.”
  • Where to find them: You can see the number of key events that have occurred on each page of your site in the reports section under “Engagement” and “Pages and screens.”
  • Why it’s important: Marking specific events on your site as “key events” allows you to see which parts of your site have a large impact on your business as a whole and which areas need improvement.


Session Key Event Rate [Previously Conversion Rate]

  • What it is: The session key event rate is the percentage of sessions in which a key event is triggered. This was previously referred to as a conversion rate.
  • Where to find it: Key event rates are not automatically visible in Google Analytics 4, but they can be manually set up.
  • Why it’s important: Tracking key event rates shows how effective your website is at getting users to perform desired actions. It can also be beneficial to see which parts of your website need to be improved based on user behavior.


E-commerce Data

A report showing e-commerce data

  • What it is: For businesses selling products on their websites, tracking e-commerce on your website is crucial to understand how visitors are making purchases. Some e-commerce measurements include:
    • Add to Carts – The number of times that the add to cart event is triggered
    • Items Purchased – How many items were purchased in total and per product
    • Revenue – Revenue from items purchased (taxes and shipping not included)
  • Where to find it: E-commerce analytics are available in the reports section of Google Analytics under the “Monetization” section. E-commerce data includes multiple metrics to view revenue, items purchased, and items viewed. It also provides information on user journeys throughout your site, giving insight into how many people viewed a product, added it to their cart, proceeded to check out, etc. 
  • Why it’s important: Utilizing e-commerce data helps you optimize your products and website to your customers’ needs by understanding which channels are driving purchases, how users are navigating your site, which marketing efforts are effective, and what needs to be improved. 


Traffic Source

A GA4 report showing traffic source data

  • What it is: Traffic source shows how users are coming to your site through various default channels. It indicates how users discovered your website, such as through email, advertising, social media, and more. 
  • Where to find it: Traffic source information is available in reports by clicking on “Acquisition” and “Traffic acquisition.”
  • Why it’s important: Monitoring traffic sources helps you understand how users find your website. It allows you to identify which marketing channels are driving traffic to your site and how users engage with your content. This can help you make marketing decisions, such as whether more money and time should be spent on Google ads rather than social media advertising.


Landing Pages

A GA4 report showing landing pages outlined in blue

  • What it is: A landing page is the page that users visit first when visiting your website. Examples of this could be your site’s homepage, a promotion page, or a blog post. 
  • Where to find it: Landing page information is available in reports by clicking on “Engagement” and “Landing page.”
  • Why it’s important: Identifying key landing pages helps you understand where users are first seeing your content, giving you the opportunity to engage with them immediately upon entering your site. It can also help you evaluate the effectiveness of marketing campaigns or advertisements by seeing which pages of your site receive the most attention. 


Tech Attributes

A GA4 report showing tech attributes

  • What it is: Tech attributes provide insights into how users interact with your website across different devices, browsers, and platforms.
  • Where to find it: Tech information is available in reports by clicking on “Tech” and “Overview.”
  • Why it’s important: The way your website appears can differ based on the browser and type of device that it is viewed from. Understanding how most people view your website allows you to optimize your site accordingly, such as prioritizing your website design on mobile devices.



With the countless available metrics to track in Google Analytics 4, picking which metrics to track can be overwhelming. Understanding the most important metrics to track and what they mean for your website can help you and your team optimize your analytics strategy and customize your analytics to best suit your business’s needs.


11 Metrics You Should Track In Google Analytics 4 is an original blog post first published on Go Fish Digital.

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How Does Google Analytics 4 Use Cookies Tue, 09 Jan 2024 15:18:39 +0000 Google Analytics 4 brought a whole new way of tracking to many marketing specialists and web analytics users. Besides an updated dashboard, new metrics, and new dimensions, many have said GA4 ushers in a new era: a cookie-less future. This claim can be a bit misconstrued, as Google Analytics 4 still uses cookies, but many […]

How Does Google Analytics 4 Use Cookies is an original blog post first published on Go Fish Digital.

Google Analytics 4 brought a whole new way of tracking to many marketing specialists and web analytics users. Besides an updated dashboard, new metrics, and new dimensions, many have said GA4 ushers in a new era: a cookie-less future.

This claim can be a bit misconstrued, as Google Analytics 4 still uses cookies, but many of the cookies and tracking as we know it will soon fade by the wayside. 

A crucial component of GA4’s tracking mechanism is the use of cookies. We’ll dive into how GA4 utilizes cookies to enhance website analytics.

1. Identifying Unique Users with _ga Cookie

First things first, how does GA4 identify unique users? It can’t simply bucket all users together, as this would make reporting completely useless.

To identify unique users, GA4 sets a cookie named _ga. 

This cookie is created when a user first visits a website and assigns a unique identifier. This identifier is essential for tracking the user’s future visits, allowing website owners to understand repeated interactions on their site.

You can look into each user by using an exploration. This particular exploration is called the User Explorer.

user id


While this User Explorer doesn’t contain the _ga, it does contain the full User ID. 

You can look at this in real-time by inspecting the page element, going to application, and filtering down the cookies by _ga.

ga id example

Users can still opt out of this cookie tracking if given the option on the website via a cookie consent banner.

2. Tracking User Sessions via _gid Cookie

One of the most significant changes in GA4 was how it tracked sessions and new metrics such as engagement time and engaged sessions.

For this, GA4 uses the _gid cookie. Sessions are the bread and butter of web analytics reporting, helping us view insights and overall traffic trends.

The _gid cookie, which expires after 24 hours or when the user closes their browser, is vital in monitoring these engagement periods. 

Its other uses include:

  • Pageview counting
  • Distinguishing current users
  • Session tracking

3. Enhancing Measurement with Advanced Features

GA4 goes beyond basic tracking with enhanced measurement features supported by cookies. These include cross-device tracking, enabling the monitoring of users across multiple devices (e.g., desktops, laptops, mobile phones), and user IDs, which link user behavior to specific accounts. These advanced features provide a more holistic view of user interactions.

Cross-device tracking is essential in today’s day and age. Rarely will one user stick to one device when visiting a website over time, often switching between a mobile and desktop device. 

GA4’s cookies allow web analysts to track a user’s behavior over multiple devices, which helps us better understand the conversion path, attribution modeling, and overall user behavior. 

These cookies also allow for more advanced analysis, such as a customer’s lifetime value, enhanced targeting, and predictive analytics. 

4. Compliance with Privacy Regulations

Last but certainly not least is the pressure and necessity for GA4 to adhere to privacy regulations worldwide. GA4’s first-party cookies are more privacy-conscious than third-party cookies since they’re directly set by the website you are visiting. 

On the other hand, third-party cookies are set from external websites and can track your activity throughout different parts of the web. 

GA4 has also made sure to adhere to stricter privacy regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA).


GA4’s use of cookies is integral to offering a detailed and accurate understanding of website visitor behavior. GA4 is equipped to be the next analytics tool that will consider the average user’s privacy concerns.

If you’re looking for additional analytics help, feel free to reach out!


How Does Google Analytics 4 Use Cookies is an original blog post first published on Go Fish Digital.

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How to Exclude IP Addresses in Google Analytics 4 Fri, 22 Dec 2023 16:00:35 +0000 When working in the world of website analytics, you might find yourself visiting a client’s website 5, 10, or maybe even 15 times a day. These website visits from data analysts like yourself can skew your data, especially if you are working with a business receiving low website traffic. For more accurate Google Analytics 4 […]

How to Exclude IP Addresses in Google Analytics 4 is an original blog post first published on Go Fish Digital.

When working in the world of website analytics, you might find yourself visiting a client’s website 5, 10, or maybe even 15 times a day. These website visits from data analysts like yourself can skew your data, especially if you are working with a business receiving low website traffic. For more accurate Google Analytics 4 results, you will want to exclude the IP addresses of all the analysts at your company monitoring the website performance of a client. 

IP Address Collection in GA4 


To align with the most up-to-date data privacy laws, IP addresses are not stored in GA4. IP anonymization is automatically turned on in Google Analytics 4 and can’t be changed.  


However, despite the IP anonymization features of GA4, you can still block specific IP addresses from internal traffic. Blocking an IP address will not allow any website actions from a user to show up in GA4. 

The Steps 

There are several ways you can exclude an IP address. The method below details how to block an IP address using the settings within GA4. 

Part 1: Define Internal Traffic 


  1. Admin > Data streams > Click on the data stream for your website


      data stream

2. Configure tag settings > Show more > Define internal traffic 

internal traffic

3. Create >  Fill out all the fields in the Configuration window > Create

Fields to complete include the following: 


Rule Name: [any unique name you want to use to define the IP address you are excluding] 

  • traffic_type value: internal 
  • Match type: IP address equals 
    • Use IP address matches regex if filtering multiple IP addresses 
  • Value: [the IP address number] 
    • You can use a site like What is my IP address to find your IP address number. 
    • You can string multiple IP addresses together in the value box by creating a regular expression. If you are not a regex expert, you can ask ChatGPT to combine multiple IP addresses together as a regular expression. 


Part 2: Create a Data Filter 


Now that you have defined what internal traffic should be excluded, you want to follow the steps below to create a data filter so this internal traffic is actually blocked. 


1.Admin > Data filters > Create filter 

ga4 data filter

2. Internal Traffic > Fill out the Filter details > Create 


Fields to Complete include the following: 


  1. Data filter name: [any unique name to define the filter] 
  2. Filter Operation: Exclude 
  3. Parameter Value: [whatever value you put for traffic_type value in Part 1] 
  4. Filter State: Active 


internal filter creation



After following the above steps, you should notice a drop in the number of users in GA4, which indicates that you correctly blocked the IP addresses. Excluding IP addresses gives you the freedom to open and click on websites all you want without worrying about messing up data integrity. 


How to Exclude IP Addresses in Google Analytics 4 is an original blog post first published on Go Fish Digital.

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How To See Search Terms in Google Analytics 4 Tue, 14 Nov 2023 16:16:22 +0000 Google Analytics 4 has the ability to track the terms users are searching for within your website. However, this feature is a bit hidden. Follow these 4 steps to uncover the keywords users search for on your website. Step 1: Enable Enhanced Measurement  The first step is to make sure you have enhanced measurement turned […]

How To See Search Terms in Google Analytics 4 is an original blog post first published on Go Fish Digital.

Google Analytics 4 has the ability to track the terms users are searching for within your website. However, this feature is a bit hidden. Follow these 4 steps to uncover the keywords users search for on your website.

Step 1: Enable Enhanced Measurement 

The first step is to make sure you have enhanced measurement turned on. This setting will likely already be on; however, you can check this by going to Admin > Data collection and modification > Data streams > Click on the data stream for your website

You should then see a window called Web stream details. There, you can confirm that the enhanced measurement field is on. 

Data Streams Option in Admin

Data Stream Selection Window

Enhanced Measurement Window

Step 2: Turn on Site Search and Add Search Term Parameters 

While you are in the Enhanced measurement panel, click on the gear icon. 

Gear Icon in Enhanced Measurement

A pop-up window labeled Enhanced measurement will appear, and you will see a section called Site search. Ensure Site search is enabled and then click on Show advanced settings.

Site Search Section

You will see a section called Search Term Query Parameter. Filling out this field will allow you to identify when a site search has occurred. GA4 already includes the default parameters of q, s, search, query, and keyword in this field. However, you will want to add the specific parameter that comes before a search term in your site’s URL.  

To find out what this letter or sequence of letters is, go to the search box within your site and enter a word. Next, check the URL at the top of the page to see what comes before the word you searched. For example, the sequence of _sf_s appears before a search term on this particular webpage. 

Example of a Search Term Parameter

So, I added _sf_s to the Search Term Query Parameter box. If one of the 5 default parameters appears before a search term on your site, there is no need to add that parameter again. 

The Search Term Parameter Box

Remember to hit Save after you make any updates to the Site search section!

Step 3: Create a Custom Dimension

Like you often do with other event parameters you create, the next step is to register an event parameter for site search as a custom dimension. Adding a site search parameter as a custom dimension is essential if you want to see specific search terms show up in your reports. 

To create this custom dimension, go to Admin > Custom definitions > Create custom dimension. 

Custom Dimensions Window

Create Custom Dimension Button

In the custom dimension box, fill out the dimension name, set the scope to Event, add a description, and label the event parameter as search_term. 

You can choose any dimension name and description you want, but I recommend using names that clearly relate to the topic of site search. Make sure to hit Save when you finish filling out all the fields.

Create a Custom Dimension Pop Up Window

This custom dimension search_term is a recommended dimension according to GA4’s guidelines.

Step 4 (Optional but Helpful): Create an Exploration for Search Terms 

After ~24 hours, your site search term data should populate in GA4. An easy and effective way to view this data is to create a search term exploration. To do this, go to the Explore section of GA4. Then, click on the blank exploration template. 

Blank Exploration Template Button

Under the variables tab, click the ‘+’ button next to Dimensions. Next, import the Event Name and the Site Search Term dimension you created in Step 3 by checking the box next to these dimensions and clicking Import. Your dimensions should now appear in the Variables tab. 

Dimensions Plus Button

The window where you can select dimensions

Added Dimensions of 'Event Name' and 'Site Search Term'

Now, you will repeat those same steps, but this time for metrics. Go to the Metrics section of the Variables panel and click on the ‘+.’ Check the Event count metric in the pop-up window that appears, and then click Import.

The Metrics Button

The Metrics Pop-Up Window

At this point, you should have all the necessary dimensions and metrics to build your exploration. 

Navigate to the Settings panel in your exploration dashboard and set your visualization type to Table

The Table Button

Next, go to the Rows section and drag and drop the Site Search Term dimension into that section. I recommend changing the Show Rows value from the default 10 to a higher number like 100. That way, you can see more of your search term data grouped together. 

Rows with 'Site Search Term'

Show Rows Section

Now, go to the Values section in the Settings panel. Drag and drop the Event count metric you added in the Variables panel. To add some visual interest to your exploration, you can change the Cell Type to Bar chart.

The Values Column with 'Event Count'

After making these changes, you might notice a (not set) value appearing as your top result. To get rid of this value, you can set a filter. At the bottom of the Settings panel, click on the ‘+’ button below Filters and then click Event name. Under conditions, select exactly matches and then type in the event name of  view_search_results. Make sure to click Apply after you complete all the filter fields. 

The Filters Button

The Filters Window

The (not set) item should now be gone from your list, and you should see a finalized exploration for your site search terms. 

Site Search Term Exploration


Analyzing your site’s internal search term data allows you to understand better your audience and the topics users are interested in learning more about on your site. You can use this information to identify new content to add to your site that aligns with user’s popular searches. 





How To See Search Terms in Google Analytics 4 is an original blog post first published on Go Fish Digital.

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Google Analytics 4: What are Unique Visitors? Thu, 02 Nov 2023 18:19:17 +0000 Intro Keeping up with all the dimensions and metrics inside GA4 can be confusing. In everyday lingo, we need clarification on users and visitors. In Google Analytics 4, you might be looking at unique visitors to your website. We’ve reviewed the different types of GA4 users, but what are unique visitors? While it’s yet another […]

Google Analytics 4: What are Unique Visitors? is an original blog post first published on Go Fish Digital.


Keeping up with all the dimensions and metrics inside GA4 can be confusing. In everyday lingo, we need clarification on users and visitors. In Google Analytics 4, you might be looking at unique visitors to your website.

We’ve reviewed the different types of GA4 users, but what are unique visitors? While it’s yet another thing to keep up with, they are pretty easy to understand.

What are Unique Visitors?

Unique visitors are just like they sound: unique individual users who visit your website over a period of time. Google defines unique visitors as the “total number of unique users who logged an event.” 

The number of unique visitors is a crucial metric for any website. Knowing how many unique visitors convert, visit your site through a paid campaign, or track channel success will help determine future marketing efforts. 

Where Can You Find the Number of Unique Visitors?

Thankfully, it’s incredibly easy to find unique visitors in your GA4 dashboard.

Right when you log in, you’ll see a card highlighting “Users” which is Unique Visitors.

unique visitors dashboard

You can adjust the date range in the bottom left corner of this card to zoom out or in for recent performance. 

Users is also a standard metric for many reports, including Traffic Acquisition, User Acquisition, Pages and Screen, and Landing Pages.

How GA4 Determines a Unique Visitor

Let’s talk about cookies.

cookie monster cupcakes

Whenever a user visits a site, GA4 will store the client ID in a first-party cookie, _ga. With the client ID assigned, this helps Google Analytics determine the difference between a new and returning visitor. 

You can edit your cookie settings inside the admin section of your property.

Go to your Data Stream, Configure Tag Settings, and then Click on Override cookie settings.

override cookies setting ga4

The default timeout for this cookie is two years. This means that if a user returns to your site at any time within the next two years, they will not be tracked as a unique visitor.

You may have to adjust cookie settings depending on local regulations. Inside the options tab, you can set the cookie expiration date anywhere from immediately (expires when the session ends) to 25 months.

cookie configuration settings

Where Can I View Client ID Information in Google Analytics 4?

To view client ID information inside your GA4 property, you will have to create an exploration. Explorations are powerful, customizable reports where you can view almost anything you want. 

When you go to Explorations, you will see several options at the top. Scroll over to the right until you find User Explorer.

user exploration ga4

When you open that, you can see the ‘Effective user ID’ immediately pop up for your specified date range. 

From there, you can drill down into their event activity over their visitor lifespan.

user explorer example

Unique Visitor Drawbacks

In a privacy-focused world, our GA4 data can run into some issues when looking at total unique visitors.

Here are some of the most common reasons.


Ad-blockers are known to cause a number of issues for other platforms, such as Shopify and eCommerce websites. Ad-blockers can also restrict GA4 from assigning a client ID to a user, thus potentially double-counting them over time.

Web Browsers

Some web browsers have built-in or customizable privacy settings, which also limits your ability to track unique visitors. 

Data Collection Regulations

While GA4 applies the standard 24-month expiration date for its first-party cookies, local or national regulations may force you to decrease that expiration window, meaning that users are likely to be recounted as unique visitors quicker. 


Tracking unique visitors is pretty easy inside your GA4 dashboard, but you may encounter some issues when trying to count the exact number of unique visitors across your site. 

Keeping track of these numbers can help you make critical decisions on marketing campaigns and follow your website’s progress and performance.

If you’re looking for analytics help, feel free to reach out and get started today!

Google Analytics 4: What are Unique Visitors? is an original blog post first published on Go Fish Digital.

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Google Analytics 4: Different User Types Fri, 20 Oct 2023 13:38:03 +0000 Google Analytics 4 brought in plenty of new dimensions and metrics. There are currently 167 pre-built dimensions and 164 pre-built metrics. That’s a lot to remember! It’s doubtful you’ll ever use all of those within the same GA4 property, but there are some dimensions and metrics you’ll want to use regularly. One of these is […]

Google Analytics 4: Different User Types is an original blog post first published on Go Fish Digital.

Google Analytics 4 brought in plenty of new dimensions and metrics. There are currently 167 pre-built dimensions and 164 pre-built metrics. That’s a lot to remember!

It’s doubtful you’ll ever use all of those within the same GA4 property, but there are some dimensions and metrics you’ll want to use regularly.

One of these is Users. But wait! Google Analytics 4 has FOUR different types of users (technically more, but we’ll explain later). What are these different types of users, and how can you use them? Let’s run through them all. 

The Different Types of Users

Let’s quickly run through the different types of users in GA4 and how they work in your GA4 setup:

  • Active Users
  • New Users
  • Returning Users
  • Total Users

When looking at users, you might be thinking something like this:

users meme

Let’s break down each user with Google’s definition. 

  • Active Users: the total number of active users.
  • New Users: The number of users who interacted with your site or launched your app for the first time, triggering the event first_open.
  • Returning Users: Users who have initiated at least one previous session.
  • Total Users: The total number of unique users who have logged an event.

Now that we’ve got the basic definitions down, let’s jump into how to use them.

Active Users

Google’s definition breaks the golden rule of definitions: don’t use your own word to define the word itself. 

Active users is the primary user metric used in Google Analytics 4. Active users are any users who have an engaged session or when GA4 collects the first_visit, first_open, or engagement_time_msec event when interacting with your website or app. 

If you are looking for total numbers, it is under “Users” in all standard reports.

active users report ga4

An engaged session is any session that completes one of the following:

  • A session that lasts 10 seconds or more
  • Involves 2+ page_view events
  • Involves at least one conversion

Here is what qualifies as an active user:

  • Someone who converted but only viewed one page
  • Someone who viewed 5 pages but never converted
  • Someone who stayed on the site for 2 minutes and only saw one page

Here is what does not qualify as an active user:

  • Someone who left the site after 8 seconds
  • Someone who viewed only one page under 10 seconds

For many, 10 seconds isn’t long enough to establish an engaged session. That means a user could visit a page on your site, stay there for 11 seconds, and be classified as an active user.

This is a setting we recommend changing. To do so, go to Admin→Data Streams. Once inside, click on Configure tag settings.

configure tag settings

Once inside, click on the blue ‘Show More’ button. After clicking there, click on Adjust session timeout.

adjust session timeout

We recommend changing that to 30 seconds. This seems more realistic. Someone who spends less than 30 seconds on your website may not be really engaged or may not have the time to view more than one page. 

New Users

This one is a bit easier to understand. New Users are users who have interacted with your site or app for the very first time. New Users is the sum of users logging the first_visit or first_open event.

You can break down new vs. returning users in Looker Studio to get a breakdown.

New user numbers can be found in almost all standard reports. 

Returning Users

Similar to new users, returning users are users who have been to your site or app before. 

Unlike the other types of users, Returning Users have their own special section inside your Google Analytics 4 dashboard. 

In your standard life cycle report, you will see a lone wolf section titled “Retention”. 

ga4 retention report

Here, you can see the Retention Overview, breaking down New Users and Returning Users. It can provide some interesting insights into how often users are returning and any specific trends.

returning users

Here, we can see Returning Users are more likely to visit the site during the week while weekend activity drops off considerably. 

If you’re looking for additional insight into your returning users, you can always create a custom audience to track their activity. 

Total Users

Total users is a bit different from what you might expect. It WAS the primary user metric for Universal Analytics, but now that responsibility lies with Active Users. 

New Users, Returning Users, and Active Users may show up immediately under any Pages/Landing Page report. Total users is going to be found in your Conversions and Events report. 

total users with conversions report

Total Users measures the number of users who performed any kind of event on your website or app. With everything being an event in GA4, any event will count towards your total number of users.

Total users is used to count Event count per user. For this account, we can see the average number of events per user is just under 8.

event count per user

We can see here that most users average 2.84 page_view events. 

Total Users is also used for the User Conversion Rate metric, calculated by conversions by total users.


As we can see, the different user types may be confusing at first, but all serve unique purposes for tracking user and overall web activity. Understanding how they work can help you unlock insights into overall user experience and performance. If you’re looking for analytics help, feel free to reach out and get started today!

Google Analytics 4: Different User Types is an original blog post first published on Go Fish Digital.

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GA4 and the Summer of Updates Fri, 08 Sep 2023 16:18:09 +0000 Intro Summer 2023 is just about over. It’s time for people to swap sunscreen for bug spray, bathing suits for light jackets, and maybe a good time to start saving on the AC bill. This summer has also been a busy time for GA4. Even before the official July 1 launch, Google was busy pushing […]

GA4 and the Summer of Updates is an original blog post first published on Go Fish Digital.


Summer 2023 is just about over. It’s time for people to swap sunscreen for bug spray, bathing suits for light jackets, and maybe a good time to start saving on the AC bill.

This summer has also been a busy time for GA4. Even before the official July 1 launch, Google was busy pushing out some vital updates for the new analytics tool.

In this blog, we’re recapping the summer of updates and tell you how you can use them.

Business Objectives Collection

Date Released 

June 1st

What is it? 

The business objectives were a small surprise for many, becoming the default collection when users created a new GA4 property.

While business objectives didn’t bring anything new to the table, it does reorganize the regular reports you regularly see in your GA4 dashboard.

Many users were familiar with the standard acquisition, events, and monetization reports. Business objectives took those reports and put them in more “business” style language.

How can you use it?

Just like you would the regular reports section, except with cool, sweet business words. Here’s the breakdown:

  • Generate leads
    • Audiences
    • User acquisition
    • Traffic acquisition
    • Landing page
  • Drive online sales
    • Ecommerce purchases
    • Promotions
    • User purchase journey
  • Raise Brand Awareness
    • Demographic details
    • Pages and screens
  • Examine user behavior
    • Events
    • Conversions
    • Pages and screens

You can keep it, run it in tandem, or remove it. 

Personally, I think it makes the dashboard look cluttered.

To remove it, go to Library and find the Business objectives card. Press the three vertical buttons and hit unpublish. Voila, back to normal.

unpublish section

New Dimensions

Date Released

June 5th

What is it?

Five new dimensions and one new metric were added.


  • Country
  • Manual term (UTM term)
  • Mobile device info
  • Minute
  • New vs. Returning


  • Session duration

Probably the most notable thing here was the addition of session duration. A staple in Universal Analytics reports, users can now track session duration.

How Can You Use It?

Nothing special to note here. If those dimensions and metrics are important to you, go wild!

New Search Console Recommendation

Date Released

June 9th

What is it?

If GA4 notices that your GA4 and GSC accounts are not linked, a notification will appear telling you to link them. By following the instructions, you can link up a vital tool for organic performance. 

Once you do so, make sure to publish your GSC report so it can appear in your GA4 dashboard.

connecting gsc to ga4

How Can You Use It?

If you don’t have the notice, you’ve already done this. If you want to link it up, feel free. It takes about 25 seconds to do.

Improvements to reusing analytics.js tags for GA4 Properties

Date Released

June 14th

What is it?

When you first set up your GA4 property, you likely just used your existing analytics.js tag to pass data to your GA4 property.

However, this tag did not provide tracking for items such as enhanced e-commerce, custom dimensions, and custom metrics. Now, this tag will be able to push those items through.

How Can You Use It?

If you’ve been paying close attention to your GA4 property, you might have noticed some additional dimensions or metrics appear in your account during this time. 

In case you haven’t used it yet, Google provides some lengthy instructions on configuring the tag to push additional information to your GA4 property.

If you’ve already set up your GA4 account, you likely won’t have to worry about such an issue. You do, however, need to make sure that you’re not double-tracking events across your site.

You can do this by entering GTM’s preview mode and navigating throughout your site to check for double event tracking.

GA4 Integration with AdSense

Date Released

June 15th

What is it?

GA4 already had a number of product links available in the admin section. This simply added another one. 

How Can You Use It?

For some products, you can link to them through the GA4 dashboard. For AdSense, you have to go through their dashboard. Here are the instructions on how to do so. 

Updates to Conversion Credits

Date Released

June 20th

What is it?

This Google Ads update allows you to change your attribution settings in either GA4 or Google Ads. In order to do so, you must link your Google Ads account to your GA4 account.

If you’re not using Google Ads, then you don’t need to worry about this update.

How Can You Use It?

GA4 conversions can be linked and imported to Google Ads. With these conversions, you can choose whether or not these they receive credit through other channels.

There are two options here:

  • Google Paid Channels: Only Google paid channels can receive credit for a conversion.
  • Paid and Organic channels: This means that conversions can be attributed to either paid or organic channels, but only the paid conversions will show up in your Google Ads dashboard. 

By focusing your conversion on Google Paid channels only, you can dive into the ROI of certain campaigns and better understand your ad spend and performance. 

Audience Export API

Date Released

June 26th

What is it?

This API allows you to export the user ID and device ID, whereas users were limited with such an option before.

How Can You Use It?

This one is pretty developer-heavy, you can find the lengthy instructions here. 

Import Conversions Recommendation

Date Released

June 28th

What is it?

A new recommendation will pop up telling you to import your GA4 conversions into Google Ads.

How Can You Use It?

If you haven’t done so, you’ll see the notification. If you have already done so, you won’t. Pretty novel, right?

New Ecommerce Metrics and Conversions

Date Released

July 20, 2023

What is it?

This was a HUGE update for those with ecommerce sites. Google finally added a number of metrics and dimensions that could be used in your custom report builder. 

The list is pretty long, but some of the biggest updates included:

  • Item name
  • Item revenue
  • Purchase revenue
  • Refund amount
  • Tax amount
  • Shipping amount

Having these broken out gives users a better understanding of the purchases and returns happening on their website.

How Can You Use It?

If you’re looking to build ecommerce reports of explorations, you’re going to need some of these metrics and dimensions. 

One of the biggest updates here was being able to create a detailed item report or exploration, looking at specific ecommerce metrics item by item.

GA4 Audiences in Google Ads

Date Released

July 27th

What is it?

When you have your GA4 and Google Ads linked, Google Data signals turned on, and ads personalization turned on, GA4 will automatically export audiences to Google Ads. 

How Can You Use It?

This was a long overdue feature that now allows you to take your GA4 audiences and examine their performance within the Google Ads dashboard. You can analyze their performance or use these custom audiences for targeting. 

Default Conversion Value

Date Released

July 27th

What is it?

Two updates in one day!

While ecommerce conversions will already have their value assigned by way of purchases, value for other sites, such as lead-generation, may not be so obvious.

This feature allows you to set a default value for a conversion, whatever that conversion may be. 

How Can You Use It?

Navigate to your admin section and go to conversions. On the same line as your conversion, click the three vertical dots.

From there, select “Set default conversion value”. 

counting method ga4

You’ll then be able to set a value for each conversion.

To see the value of those conversions, go into your Conversions report. Click on the pencil in the top right corner and then click on metrics. You’ll need to add the metric “event value” to start tracking the total value.

event value

You will have to work with your internal team or the client to determine the value of each individual conversion, but having this will be able to provide better insights into your marketing efforts. 

New Audience Report

Date Released

August 1st

What is it?

For those that have audiences, the audience report is a new way to look at them in the aggregate. This is a nice little addition to get a snapshot of your different audiences.

How Can You Use It?

user attributes

The new audience report is a little hidden. To find it, go to the User Attributes section and open the report where you’ll see “Audiences”.

Just like other reports, you can edit the metrics in the report. 

RegEx in GA4 Reports

Date Released

August 4th

What is it?

Another long overdue update, GA4 finally introduced regex match types in reports. Before, users were stuck using a checkbox method which was fine if you only had to select a few values, but a huge pain if you were trying to filter down to a certain folder.

While regex was the big highlight, ‘begins with’ and ‘exactly matches’ were also added.

How Can You Use It?

If you’ve ever edited a GA4 report, you might have already noticed this change.

To see this in action, head to any report and click the pencil icon in the top right corner. For this example, I am in the landing page report and want to filter down by a few folders. 

regex ga4

You can read more about the various match types here

Modeling in Funnels and Path Explorations

Date Released

August 17th

What is it?

Behavioral modeling has been a part of GA4 since its launch. Used to combat those who opt out of analytics tracking, behavioral modeling will “fill the gaps” of data to give you a better idea of your overall website performance.

Now, behavioral modeling is available for a few explorations: funnels and path explorations. This also applies to the User Purchase Journey report and any custom funnels you create.

How Can You Use It?

Unfortunately, behavioral modeling is not available for all properties. There are a few thresholds you must hit before it applies to your account:

  • Your property must collect at least 1,000 events per day with analytics_storage=’denied’ for at least 7 days (meaning people opted out of tracking)
  • Your property must have at least 1,000 daily users sending events with analytics_storage=’granted’ for at least 7 of the previous 28 days. 

This means that smaller traffic sites likely won’t benefit from behavioral modeling.

You can check if your site is eligible by going to your Admin section and choosing Reporting Identity.

reporting identity

By default, all properties have the Blended Reporting Identity selected. For this particular property, we can see that Modeling is inactive because it does not meet the minimum thresholds.

So if your site is eligible, you can start to see some of your explorations populated with additional data. 

Unfortunately, this is not retroactive.

View and Delete AdSense Links

Date Released

August 31st

What is it?

GA4 will now let you delete links between your property and AdSense. 

This can be done under the Admin page titled AdSense Links.

How Can You Use It?

You can now delete links, nothing much to see here. 

Wrapping Up

This certainly has been the summer of updates for GA4, and we don’t expect it to stop anytime soon. Remember, you can follow all GA4 updates by tracking their updates page

If you have any questions or need help with your GA4 setup, reach out today!

GA4 and the Summer of Updates is an original blog post first published on Go Fish Digital.

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