Candice Lyna

Recent Posts by Candice Lyna

Building a Custom WordPress Website: A Comprehensive Guide

WordPress: a name that has become almost synonymous with website creation. This powerful content management system...

What Questions Should You Ask When Searching for an SEO Agency?

5 SEO Agency Questions You’re Not Asking If you're in the market for an SEO agency,...

Common SEO Missteps When Launching a Website

There are infinite reasons to redesign or redevelop a website. I won’t get into them all...

Authentic Adaptability: Channel your Inner Chameleon

What does authentic adaptability mean? How can we, as project managers (PMs), ensure that we can...

How Project Managers Can Avoid Burnout at Work

Last month, I had the privilege of attending Bureau of Digital’s Digital PM Summit, a conference...

Everything I know about Project Management I Learned from my Kids

Married couples with kids were once the majority of the population, but that percentage has declined...