Hi, I’m Chris Long with Go Fish Digital, and welcome to another episode of “60-Second SEO”.
Today, we’re going to talk about how you can use existing page copy to easily find content ideas.
Let’s say we’re Summer Fridays, and we want to build out new content. And let’s just say we want to build out new content around this new Jet Lag Mask we have. So I’m going to click on this product page, and then I’m just going to analyze the existing page copy to find new content ideas.
So here, this product detail section mentions how “Busy lives can leave skin stressed”. So maybe “stressed skin” is a topic that we start to write about. Scroll down a little bit further. I see here we’re talking about “improvement in skin texture”. Maybe there’s different opportunities around skin texture that I can find. I can use Google autocomplete suggestions to find how to improve skin texture.
Scroll down a little bit further here to “Key Ingredients”. Here it talks about how they use B3. If I do some keyboard research around B3 and skincare, is there any volume here? And can we write about B3’s benefits in terms of overall skincare?
And just really quickly, just by using this page copy, I already found three different avenues I could go down to really start creating new content ideas. I think this is a highly underutilized tactic. Really analyze your existing page copy, and then you can find common problems. Your products are solving, common things customers might be querying in the search results. And then you can go out and create and build new content to help solve those individual problems.
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